Lotteries Licence

You do not need a licence if you hold a raffle during a dance or similar social event and sell tickets only to those people present at that time and the draw takes place before the end of the event. Similarly, you do not need a licence if you hold the usual draw or sweepstake in the workplace (e.g. for the Grand National) providing you only sell tickets to your fellow employees. 

You will certainly need to register however, if you intend to raise funds by selling tickets prior to the event, to members of the public. This is called a Societies Lottery Registration. 

You can download a lottery licence application form here.  Send it to the address stated on the form. There is a statutory fee for initial registration and a further annual fee, payable on the 1st of January of each year until you cancel the registration. See our Fees and Charges Download button on this page for up-to-date prices - open download and search for lottery. 

A return by the Promoter relating to a lottery must be sent to the Council not later than the third month after the date of the lottery.  You can download a lottery return here.

Returns should be sent to Licensing Section, North Warwickshire Borough Council, The Council House, South Street, Atherstone, Warwickshire. CV9 1DE 

Pink raffle tickets

Fees and Charges

View Fees and Charges