
What will be considered and what you can comment on

The Council considers a number of different matters.  The most important will be how the proposal fairs against planning policy, however, the Council will want to know your views about other matters.

The most significant include, and are known as material considerations:

  • The Development Plan (The Core Strategy, Local Plans, Supplementary Planning
  • Documents, etc.)
  • Government Guidance (The National Planning Policy Framework, Statements and
  • Circulars)
  • Planning Legislation (including case law and previous decisions)
  • Highway Issues (safety, noise, capacity)
  • Design, Appearance and Layout
  • Residential Amenity
  • Impacts on the Environment and Character of a Neighbourhood

What will not be considered?

The Government makes it very clear that there are some things that are not "planning considerations". These will have little weight in the Council’s decision or the Board's discussions, and include the following:

  • Matters covered by and enforced by other legislation
  • Property rights: boundary and access dispute, covenants
  • Peoples Morals or Motives
  • Speculation
  • Loss of View
  • Property Value
  • Any form of prejudice

You can view a document for Material Considerations for Planning Applications

How to  comment on a planning application

Go to our Planning Application Search page and find the relevant application; if you haven't got the planning application reference number there are tips on how to use the search on the page, or see our Weekly Planning List - this displays all of the applications that have been Received as valid applications or Decided on in the last 18 weeks. You can also find applications on our Major Developments page.

Click on the relevant planning application to see details about the application, Public Consultation End Date and links to plans and related documents.

Look at the plans and supporting documentation before commenting so you're fully informed.

If the application hasn't reached its 'Public Consultation End Date' you will see a 'Comment on Application' button (ex. 1); click on the button and complete as required.

If you decide to write, your response will become a public document, capable of being seen by the applicant and others.  We require contact information such as your name, address, telephone number and email address, however, we will take measures to redact this personal data ahead of any form of communication of your comments with others (in compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulations).  You may wish to take care to exclude any other identifying personal data in the comments that you make because these will not be redacted by the planning authority on a routine basis.  If the provision of personal data is necessary in order to make your point about the development proposed you are invited to supply two copies of the document – one copy with the text in full and one abbreviated or redacted copy, which is to the like effect, that may be shared in the public domain. 

Planning Public Access (

Please note: All drawings are subject to copyright laws, particularly copyright of the originator of the drawings, and can only be used for personal, non-commercial use. Any reproduction, modification or commercial exploitation of the content is unlawful and may be subject to legal proceedings by the copyright owner.

What happens next?

The Council decides on planning applications through its Planning and Development Board. However, in line with Government recommendations, and with all other Local Authorities in England and Wales, the Board will not deal with all applications. It delegates the decision of some cases to the Assistant Chief Executive and Solicitor to the Council. In general, all major applications will go to the Board. However, in most cases, if the representations received coincide with the recommendation of the Assistant Chief Executive and Solicitor to the Council, then the application will not be reported to the Board. However, if the nature of the representations differ from the recommendation of the Assistant Chief Executive and Solicitor to the Council, then the item may go to the Board, depending on the outcome of consultation with the local ward members and the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson of the Board. The Board meets every month. The reports considered by the Board are available for you to read five working days before the date of the meeting by calling into the Council Offices or viewing them on the Councils web site. Please note that an application is not automatically refused if an objection is received. You can view and download a copy of the full Scheme of Delegation from the Development Control pages.

Do you need help?

You can use our Contact Us form to ask our Planning team a question.

When a decision has already been made

See Planning Application Decisions codes

How to appeal a decision

Please visit our Planning Appeals page


You can't sign up for email alerts but we do produce a Weekly Planning List - this displays all of the applications that have been Received as valid applications or Decided on in the last 18 weeks.

Weekly Planning List

View the Weekly Planning List