Submitting questions at meetings

At each ordinary meeting of the Council, the Executive Board, Resources Board and Community and Environment Board, a period of 20 minutes will be allocated for public questions. 

As there is a limited time period for questions it is possible that not all valid questions submitted will be read out and answered at the meeting. In the event of there being more than one question, lots will be drawn to determine the order in which questions are asked. Please remember that you may only ask one question per meeting.

 Go to meetings, minutes and agendas for dates and meeting documents.

Submitting your questions

Questions must be received by the Council no later than 9.30 a.m. two working days before the day of the meeting.  The dates of meetings can be found using the link below.

When submitting your question, please include:

  • The date of the meeting at which you wish to ask the question
  • Your name, address and telephone number; and
  • If available, an email address

Scope of questions  

  1. Your question must refer to an issue which affects the Borough or falls within the Council's responsibilities, and if to one of the Boards named above, also within that Board’s responsibility
  2. Your question must not be substantially the same as a question which has been put at a meeting of the Council or Board in the past six months
  3. Your question must not be defamatory, frivolous, vexatious or offensive
  4. Your question must not require the disclosure of confidential or exempt information
  5. Your question must not refer to individual planning or licensing matters or any matter of a personal nature

Valid Questions

Once received, your submission will be looked at in the light of the above requirements. If there are any doubts as to the validity of your submitted question you may be contacted by an officer of the Council. An opportunity may be provided for you to amend the wording of the submitted question to make it valid.

If your submission is considered to be invalid you will be contacted with the reason for it not being submitted to the Council.

If your submission is considered valid, it will be included on the list of questions to be submitted to the meeting and you will be invited to attend the meeting. In the event of there being more than one question, lots will be drawn to determine the order in which the questions shall be asked.

You may withdraw your question at any time prior to the meeting at which it is due to be considered. If you subsequently discover you are unable to attend the meeting, please contact the Democratic Services section.

Questions must be delivered in writing, or sent by electronic mail, or facsimile transfer to the Chief Executive (see contact details below).

At the Meeting

Copies of all valid questions will be made available to those present at the meeting.

The Mayor or Chairman will refer to the list of valid questions and will ask in turn each member of the public to stand and ask their question. If you feel uncomfortable reading your question out at the meeting, you may ask that it is read out on your behalf.

When reading the question you must not deviate from the text of agreed submission.

Your question will be directed to the relevant Chairman or Spokesperson to give a reply. Such a reply shall not exceed 5 minutes. At the discretion of the Mayor or Chairman, a supplementary question may be asked if arising directly from the reply, provided that the original allocation of 5 minutes is not exceeded.  Following the meeting a written copy of the reply will be included in the minutes and made available to the public.

Unless the Mayor or Chairman decides otherwise, there will be no discussion and debate on any question.  For Full Council meeting a Member may move that the matter raised by a question be referred to the appropriate Board. Once seconded, such a motion will be voted on without discussion.

Send Your Question to

In writing - The Chief Executive, North Warwickshire Borough Council, The Council House, South Street, Atherstone CV9 1DE

Email to: -

Send us a question for a Council Meeting

If you require further information, please telephone Democratic Services on 01827 719221 or 01827 719237.


Meetings, minutes, agendas

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