Our social media accounts

We use a range of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and YouTube to communicate with people who live in and visit North Warwickshire. We use Twitter and Facebook to tell you about jobs, news, events, emergency announcements, elections, consultations, special offers and much more.

The photos we put on flickr are available for everyone to use.

Our accounts are:

Facebook Accounts

X Accounts

Instagram Account


We try to respond quickly to the questions and queries people raise through these. If necessary, we'll send your question to our customer service centre to respond to.

Our social media accounts are monitored during office hours, Monday to Friday - so we can't usually respond to questions asked outside these hours (though we'll reply to questions sent during evenings or at weekends as soon as we can). We also can't promise to respond to every comment we receive - particularly at busy times (such as when there is heavy snow affecting council services, or industrial action). If your query is serious, urgent, or involves personal details, we advise you to contact our customer service centre whose contact details are displayed on this page.

Liking and following

Please don't be offended if we don't 'like' or 'follow' you on social media. This doesn't mean we don't like you or are not interested in what you have to say, it's just that the numbers can get too high for us to manage.

We sometimes follow or like people who provide information that is pertinent to our work as a local authority (for example central government accounts, local media, and our partners) or those whose information we can pass on for the benefit of many local people. Occasionally, we'll also try to lend our support to local and national campaigns.

There will also be times we'll need to like or follow an account in order to take part in conversations.

Just because we like or follow someone, retweet or share their information, it doesn't mean that we endorse them.

Sharing and retweeting

We try to share or retweet information that we think will be of interest or use to people in Warwickshire. But please don't be offended if we don't retweet something you want us to: as a trusted organisation, any sharing of information could be seen as endorsement of a particular view, individual or organisation, and it's important that we remain impartial and protect the council's reputation.


Most online communities have their own rules and guidelines, which we will always follow.

Where possible, we will rely on the measures of protection and intervention which the social networking site already has in place (For example - against illegal, harmful or offensive content), for example by flagging comments or alerting them to any breaches of the site's terms and conditions.

We also have some of our own rules.

We reserve the right to remove any contributions that break the rules of the relevant community, or any of the following guidelines:

  • be civil, tasteful and relevant
  • don't post messages that are unlawful, libellous, harassing, defamatory, abusive, threatening, harmful, obscene, profane, sexually oriented or racially offensive
  • don't swear
  • don't post content copied from elsewhere, for which you do not own the copyright
  • don't post the same message, or very similar messages, more than once (also called "spamming")
  • don't publicise your, or anyone else's, personal information, such as contact details
  • don't advertise products or services
  • don't impersonate someone else


Please take care not to make libellous statements. In law this means a statement that lowers the reputation of a person or organisation in the eyes of a reasonable person. By publishing such a statement we can both get into serious trouble. We will therefore take down any statement that could be deemed to be libellous.

Pre-election period or 'Purdah'

In the six-week run up to an election - local, general or European - councils have to very careful not to do or say anything that could seen in any way to support any political party or candidate. We will continue to publish important service announcements using social media but may have to remove responses if they are overtly party political.

Contact centre

Customer Services

Opening hours - Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:00

Telephone: 01827715341