Other uses of your data

Communication with residents/service users

The Council may use personal data to notify residents of the borough of proposed or planned changes to services that may affect them. The Council may also use your personal data, to allow the statistical analysis of data so that the Council can effectively target and plan the provision of services.

Equality monitoring

The Council may use information about your ethnic background, first language, gender, sexual orientation and age (“equality data”) for the purposes of compiling statistical data about the population of the borough and the use of Council services by various groups. This assists the Council in complying with legal obligations and the effective planning and provision of future services. Statistical data or statistical analysis will not allow the identification of any specific individual nor will it have any impact on any individual’s entitlement to Council services and facilities. Equality data may also be used to allow the council to provide suitable assistance where required, e.g. to provide translation services or access facilities such as an induction hearing loop where appropriate.

Emergency Response Management

Data matching may also be used to assist the Council in responding to emergencies or major accidents, by allowing the Council, in conjunction with the emergency services, to identify individuals who may need additional support in certain circumstances such as in the event of an emergency evacuation.

Detection and Prevention of Fraud

This authority is required (by law) to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other organisations responsible for auditing, or administrating public funds, or where undertaking a public function, in order to prevent and detect fraud.