Taking part in events is a create way to show support, learn more about climate action and make friends. We have put together a list of local events that you may want to attend in person, as well as global events and important dates related to climate change and our collective response. 


Links to local environmental events
Name Description Link
The Wildlife Trust Events Find local events, volunteering opportunities and walks in nature Events | The Wildlife Trusts
RSPB Local walks, talks and opportunities to engage with nature  RSPB Events
National Tree Week An annual event where volunteers plant thousands of trees across the UK National Tree Week - join the UK's largest tree celebration (treecouncil.org.uk)


1st January

A plant based diet can reduce emissions from our food, Veganuary is for people to get involved and try a plant based diet Veganuary
The Big Garden Birdwatch
29th January
Contribute to citizen science by watching nature locally RSPB
The Great British Spring Clean
15th March
National litter picking event with groups across the country Great British Spring Clean | Keep Britain Tidy
Earth Day
22nd April
A day of collective action with numerous groups and events across the UK Earth Day: The Official Site | EARTHDAY.ORG
No Mow May
1st May
An annual campaign calling for gardens and greenspace to be allowed to grow and flourish to protect nature Plant life's No Mow May Movement
Walk to school week
17th May
To encourage as many young people as possible to get active and protect the environment by walking where possible Walk to School Week | Living Streets
Nation Childrens Gardening Week
29th May
Engage young people with the natural world by introducing them to gardening and nature National Children's Gardening Week - Together, we help children grow. (childrensgardeningweek.co.uk)

30 Days Wild

1st June

A month of increasing engagement with the natural world through a number of activities and events  30 Days Wild | The Wildlife Trusts

Bike Week
10th June

Encouraging more people to cycle more often, with businesses and organisations able to sign up to take part Bike Week | Cycling UK
Let it Bloom June A continuation of No Mow May to keep providing habitat and protecting biodiversity through the year Let it Bloom June: No Mow May is Over, What’s Next?  - Plantlife
World Environment Day
5th June
A day to celebrate the environment and all the ways we can work with nature World Environment Day
Plastic Free July A month long challenge to live with as little plastic as possible and highlight the issue of plastic pollution All About Plastic Free July | How it Began and How To Take Part (greenecofriend.co.uk)
Love Parks Week
28th July
A week long event to celebrate and look after our parks and green spaces Love Parks Week | Keep Britain Tidy
National Allotment week
7th August
A week long event showcasing the importance and benefits of allotments, producing locally and engaging with nature The National Allotment Society
Organic September A month to raise awareness about food production and emission, try and eat organic produce for the whole month Organic September | Soil Association
Seed Gathering Season
20th September
The tree council offers events and training for the collection of seeds that will become the next generation of trees in our greenspaces and woodlands Seed Gathering Season - The Tree Council

International walk to school month


Improve air quality, health and enjoy the stroll whilst raising awareness of the environmental impact of cars and the benefits of active travel  International Walk to School Month | Living Streets

World Vegetarian Day

1st October

A day for people to try a meat free diet to reduce the carbon emissions of meals Home - World Vegetarian Day (navs-online.org)
World Animal Day
4th October
A day to appreciate animals, and raise awareness of the issues facing animals around the world World Animal Day