Safer Neighbourhoods

Safer Neighbourhoods is a partnership approach to achieving safer and confident neighbourhoods. It is about providing communities with:

  • Access - to policing services through a named point of contact
  • Influence - over policing priorities in their neighbourhood
  • Interventions - joint action with partners and communities
  • Answers - sustainable solutions and feedback

In each Safer Neighbourhood Area there is the need to ensure that the communities living or working there are provided with opportunities to have a say regarding any problems or issues which exist locally.

Following a decision to not hold regular Area Forum meetings the Council and Warwickshire Police are developing more consistent approaches to enable members of the public to raise their current community concerns issues. This will include day to day engagement with the public and other stakeholders through face to face contacts, social media and on line through websites.  This help inform priorities which will be addressed by the partners over  a 3 month period.

Issues raised by members of the public need to be community problems and not specific to individuals. Individual issues should be raised direct to the Police or Council as appropriate to do so.

To effectively address community safety issues, the Community Safety Partnership will aim to address each issue through following a problem solving approach which may include the following process.

  • Priority identified
  • Multi-agency action planning meeting called
  • Action plan developed and updated
  • Residents informed through a community leaflet

The actions that are developed are a multi-stranded approach and include:

  • Educating the community
  • Engineer the physical problems out of an area
  • Enforce the powers and the laws given to the Police and local Authorities