Core Document Ref |
Document Title |
Document Reference (All Submitted 02/12/21) |
A1 |
Application Cover Letter |
let.005.DH.JB |
A2 |
Application Form |
N/A |
A3 |
Red and Blue Line (Site Location) Plan |
4263-CA-00-00-DR-A-00066-P4 |
A4 |
EIA Site Location Plan |
4263-CA-00-00-DR-A-00074-P5 |
A5 |
Parameters Plan |
4263-CA-00-00-DR-A-00075-P11 |
A6 |
Planning Statement |
RPT.007.JW.1 |
A7 |
Environmental Statement Volume 1: Non-Technical Summary |
A8 |
Environmental Statement Volume 2: Main Statement |
A9 |
Environmental Statement Volume 3: Technical Appendices |
A9.1 |
Chapter 1 (Introduction) Appendices:
Rpt.005.2 N/A N/A |
A9.2 |
Chapter 6 (Transport, Traffic and Highways) Appendices:
F19123 Rev C (Nov 2021) F19123 Rev B (Nov 2021) Sheets 6a – 6c |
A9.3 |
Chapter 7 (Noise) Appendices: - Appendices 7.1 – 7.7 combined |
N/A |
A9.4 |
Chapter 8 (Air Quality) Appendices: - Appendix 8.1-8.5 Combined |
N/A |
A9.5 |
Chapter 9 (Land and Soil) Appendices:
KCC2967 ALC Plan 03-21 KCC2967 ALC&C Jan 21 |
A9.6 |
Chapter 10 (Landscape and Visual Impact) Appendices:
LAJ_1-4 N/A LAJ_5-48 |
A9.7 |
Chapter 11 (Nature Conservation and Biodiversity) Appendices:
2971EBRvf/RM/CL 1005971BIAvf4 5971WBSvfAJ/CL |
A9.8 |
Chapter 12 (Flooding and Drainage) Appendices: - Appendix 12.1 – Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy |
20073-BGL-XX-XX-RP-D-00001 |
A9.9 |
Chapter 13 (Socio-economics) Appendices: - Appendix 13.1 – Socio-economic baseline |
N/A |
A9.10 |
Chapter 14 (Cultural Heritage and Archaeology) Appendices:
N/A N/A N/A N/A |
A10 |
Environmental Statement Volume 4: Figures and Illustrations |
A10.1 |
Chapter 1 (Introduction) Figures: - Figure 1.1 - EIA Location Plan |
4263-CA-00-00-DR-A-00074-P5 |
A10.2 |
Chapter 3 (Description of Development) Figures: - Figure 3.1 - Parameters Plan |
4263-CA-00-00-DR-A-00075-P11 |