CD-E |
Core Document Ref |
Document Title |
Document Reference |
E1 |
Consultations Response - Con01_Cadent_13-12-21_Holding Objection Con01a_Cadent_13-12-21_Plan |
E2 |
Consultations Response Con02a_Cadent_14-12-21_Objection Consultations Response Con02B_Cadent_14-12-21_SSWW22(2) Consultations Response Con02c_Cadent_14-12-21_Plan. |
E3 |
Consultations Response Con03_Warwickshire Fire & Rescue Service_16-12-21 |
E4 |
Consultations Response Con04_WCC FRM_17-12-21_Extra Time |
E5 |
Consultations Response Con5a_Environment Agency_20-12-21 |
E6 |
Consultations Response Con6a_Coal Authority_20-12-21 |
E7 |
Consultations Response Con7_BPA_22-12-21_No Comments to Make |
E8 |
Consultations Response Con08a_National Highways_4-1-22_Comments |
E9 |
Consultations Response Con9_Birchmoor Polesworth Austrey PC_31-12-21- Objection |
E10 |
Consultations Response Con10_ Ramblers Association-31-12-2021 |
E11 |
Consultations Response Con11_Polesworth PC_31-12-21_Objection |
E12 |
Consultations Response Con12_Dordon PC_ 04-01-22_Extension_Objection |
E13 |
Consultations Response Con13a_TBC Planning_07-01-22_Comments of Support |
E14 |
Consultation Response Con14 - WCC Flooding 11-01-2022 Objections |
E15 |
Consultation Response Con15a_Natural England_13-1-22_Comments Consultation Response Con15b_Natural England_Annex A |
E16 |
Consultations Response Con16-Severn Trent_25-1-22-Comments |
E17 |
Consultations Response Con17_Dordon PC-28-1-22_Objection |
E18 |
Consultations Response Con18a_Dordon Borough Cllr Jacky Chambers_31-1-22_Objection Consultations Response Con18b_Dordon Borough Cllr Jacky Chambers_31-1-22_JAN 22 Borough councillors report Consultations Response Con18c_Dordon Borough Cllr Jacky Chambers_31-1-22_Hall End Cottage A5 Dordon. - TECHNICAL NOTE OCT 2021 - PAP-020-0550 |
E19 |
Consultations Response Con19_WCC Highways -31-01-22_Objection. |
E20 |
Consultations Response Con20 WCC LLFA 17022022 Objection |
E21 |
Consultations Response Con21 WCC LLFA 05032022 Objection |
E22 |
Consultations Response Con22 Warwickshire Police 27032022 Consultations Response Con22a_Warwickshire Police_220510_support. |
E23 |
Consultations Response Con23 HS2 No comments 28032022 |
E24 |
Consultations Response Con24 Highways England - Objection 01.04.22 |
E25 |
Consultations Response Con25 WCC PROW team - 20-04-2022 Comments Consultations Response Con25a - AE45 Definitive Map |
E26 |
Consultations Response Con26 Warwickshire Museum No objection 26042022 |
E27 |
Consultations Response Con27_WCC Archaeology_26-4-22_Comments |
E28 |
Consultations Response Con28_Cadent_23-05-22_No Objection |
E29 |
Consultations Response Con29 - NBBC 06-06-2022_No response additional Consultations Response Con29 - NBBC 06-06-2022_No response |
E30 |
Consultations Response Con30 Lichfield DC - No objection 09062022 |
E31 |
Consultations Response Con31 - NWBC Environmental Health No objection 28062022 |
E32 |
Consultations Response Con32 National Highways EoT another 3 months |
E33 |
Consultations Response Con33 - WCC Flooding No objections 04072022. |
E34 |
Consultations Response Con34a_Rugby Borough Council_26-7-22_No Comments |
E35 |
Consultations Response Con35 WCC Ecology 2021_0663 |
E36 |
Consultations Response Con36 National Highways EoT - Response FINAL 27.09.22. |
E37 |
Consultations Response Con37a_WCC RoW-28-9-22_Comments. Consultations Response Con37b_WCC R0W- 28-9-22-Policy RW5d Cycling and rights of way |
E38 |
Consultations Response Con38_CoventryCC 15-11-22 No comment |
E39 |
Consultations Response Con39a_Cycling UK_23-11-22_Support. |
E40 |
Consultations Response Con40_NaVCIS – Support |
E41 |
Consultations Response Con41 JLL - Support. |
E42 |
Consultations Response Con42 WCC Ecology 2021_0663 - Support. |
E43 |
Consultations Response Con43_National Highways-22-12-22_Comment |
E44 |
Consultations Response Con44_National Highways-12-1-23_Comment |
E45 |
Consultations Response Con45_National Highways 22-3-2023 Holding 22 September 2023 |
E46 |
Consultations Response Con46a_WCC Highways - S106 - email 24-3-23 Consultations Response Con46b_WCC S106 -buses-24-3-23 |
E47 |
Consultations Response Con47_Active Travel England_26-6-23_No Comment Consultations Response Con47a_Active Travel England_26-6-23_Standing Advice Note |
E48 |
Consultations Response Con48_WCC Highways - S106 - email 07-09-23. |
E49 |
Consultations Response Con49_National Highways-22-9-23_Not determined until 22-03-24 |
E50 |
Consultations Response Con50_ Coventry Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce _07.10.22_support. |
E51 |
Consultations Response Con51_Logitics UK_support_Nov_2022_support |
E52 |
Consultations Response Con52_Rail Freight Group_Nov_22_support |
E53 |
Consultations Response Con53_Maritime_Transport_29-9-22_support |
E54 |
Consultations Response Con54RHA_Letter_221221_support |
E55 |
Consultations Response Con55a_Letter_Stagecoach_09.09.2022_support. Consultations Response Con55b_stagecoach_email_6.2.2024 |
E56 |
Consultations Response Con56_WCC_network_planning_11.08.2022 |
E57 |
Consultations Response Con57_WCC Highways_21.03.2024 |
E58 |
NWBC - Board Report-7-3-22 |
E59 |
NWBC - Report Board 04032024 |
E60 |
NWBC - Report Board Supplementary Report 04032024. |
E61 |
NWBC Representations - 19 Parts.