
Small warehouse

The Development Control team at North Warwickshire Borough Council uses a Development Management approach. This means that rather than controlling development through approving or refusing applications, as and when they are submitted, we are looking to shape initial proposals to enhance and improve the quality of the built and natural environment for the wider community before the application is made. Affected parties and consultees may also be involved in this management approach so that development proposals accommodate a range of desires and aspirations.

The consequence is that the Council strongly encourages pre-application discussions or submissions. Advice can be given about relevant local policy and national guidance. As a consequence, it is more likely to lead to a positive outcome to applications when formally submitted. At present there is no charge for this service.

Further advice and guidance is split into three categories: Householder Development, Business Development and General Guidance. Please use the links below:

General Guidance

If you cannot find the information you are looking for, or wish to clarify detail, please contact the Planning Control team using the details displayed.

Development Control Team

Telephone: 01827 715341