Electoral Registration
Last date for registration in time to vote at the General Election on 4th July 2024 is 12 midnight, Tuesday, 18 June 2024
Are you already Registered to Vote? Most people will already be registered to vote but if you have recently moved, changed your name or turned 18 you may need to update your details by registering again. If you're not sure if you're registered to vote Ask Us using the contact detail displayed on this page.
Registering to vote The first time you 'register to vote' you have to do it online, this is called Individual Electoral Registration - see 'Who can register?' below. You will not automatically be registered to vote by any other contact you have with us, such as when you pay Council Tax or receive Housing Benefit.
When we receive your application, we have to check your identity against Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) and other records, so applying does not mean that you will be automatically registered. Once we have checked your details, you will receive a letter from us either confirming that you are registered to vote, or asking you for more information.
If you move house, you must re-register to vote.
Help If you need help to register to vote or have a question, you can ring the telephone number below during office hours or use the 'Ask us a question online' form below.
When is the Electoral Register updated? The electoral register is only updated at certain times of the year - generally the first of every month, apart from in October and November. There are strict deadlines which mean that you can only be added to the register if we receive your application on time and we have all the information we need to process it.
Annual Registration Once a year we will send a Householder Enquiry Form to your address; this states who in the household is Registered to Vote in North Warwickshire and asks you confirm that there are no changes or to tell us about any changes. We use this to check our records and to send any person who isn't currently registered to vote an invitation to register. It is a legal requirement to respond to this form. It is important to provide the information requested; if you don't you could be fined £1000. You can tell us about any changes at any time of the year.
Who can register? You can register to vote if you are:
- 16 or older (although you can't vote until you're 18)
- a British citizen; or
- an Irish, qualifying Commonwealth, or European Union citizen living in the UK
If you are; student living away from home, you can register at both your home and university term time address. Registering to vote at your term time address means you can choose where you vote.
You can still register to vote if you have no fixed address. You will need something called a 'declaration of local connection' to show that you are connected to and spend time at a particular place. Please contact the Electoral Registration on the details below for more information.
You need your national insurance number and date of birth to to register to vote.