Housing Associations

Other social landlords, sometimes called housing associations or registered social landlords (RSLs), operate in the Borough of North Warwickshire. These are independent housing organisations registered with Homes England under the Housing Act 1996. Most are housing associations, but there are also trusts, co-operatives and companies. There is a public register of these landlords.

Some housing associations keep their own waiting lists and you may apply directly to them. Housing associations also ask the Council to nominate applicants for vacant housing association properties from the Housing Register.

Applicants wishing to be considered for these properties can include this option on their application form for the Council Housing Register - see our page Applying for Council housing.

Part or Shared Ownership

Some Housing Associations allow you to part buy your home, North Warwickshire Borough Council do not allow you to buy part of your council home, but you can buy it outright - see Right to Buy.  Please contact your housing association or see the links below:

Also try searching on http://www.google.co.uk/ for shared ownership and you will find lots of private shared ownership schemes.