Publishing Information

Publishing of equality information showing compliance with the General Equality Duty

Our Equality Priorities are identified from actions detailed in the Councils Corporate Plan.

The equality objectives will be set as part of our business planning process. The Corporate Plan is the council's overarching business plan and this is supported by service plans for each of the council's divisions and the departments that sit within each Division. The equality objectives will ensure that we meet local needs, which we will report on and publish on our website.

More information can be found on the Equality and Human Rights Commission and Home Office websites.

Publishing Equality objectives

Data to be published


  • information relating to employees who share protected characteristics (for public bodies with 150 or more employees);
  • information relating to people who are affected by the public body's policies and practices who share protected characteristics (for example, service users).
    the number of people with different protected characteristics who access and use services in different ways;
  • customer satisfaction levels and informal feedback from service users with different protected characteristics and results of consultations;
  • complaints about discrimination and complaints from people with different protected characteristics;
    service outcomes for people with different protected characteristics.

Every Four Years

  • one or more specific and measurable equality objective(s) which will help us to further the three aims of the Equality Duty.

Equality Objectives

We have produced a new set of priorities to reflect the change in political administration and refreshing our Corporate Plan, which includes the Council's vision, aims and objectives. The Corporate Plan will include the Council's overarching objectives in terms of equality.

The North Warwickshire Sustainable Community Strategy sets out our three key priorities for improving the overall quality of life in North Warwickshire from 2009 to 2026.

The challenge is to put in place the appropriate tools and infrastructure to deliver sustained improvement for all our communities so that more people can enjoy life and reach their full potential.