The application process

  1. Make an online application at:
  2. We will issue you a form on request.
  3. On receipt of the form we will write advising whether the right to buy exists. This will be within 4 weeks.
  4. We then need to check details with Housing, any previous landlord the applicant has had and Finance.  After this we will send our valuer to value the property.  The resulting information will give us a gross price to which we will apply any discount to a maximum of £102,400 (discount to be confirmed) and write to the applicant with a price. This will be done within 8 weeks of the letter detailed at point 2 (or 12 weeks if buying the lease of the property rather than the freehold).
  5. If the applicant writes to us accepting the offer we will then send the legal paperwork to their chosen solicitors within 4 weeks.
Contact centre

Customer Services

Opening hours - Mon - Fri 08:30 - 17:00

Telephone: 01827715341

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