We want to hear from you

This is for Housing Complaints only

We want your feedback. Whether you have a compliment or complaint we want to hear from you. 

The Council is committed to providing positive housing services that meet our published standards and deliver good customer care. To do this we need to know what is working well and what we need to do to improve.

If you have not contacted us before to tell us about the issue(s), please do this first. For example, if you have not reported a repair to us,or need to tell us about a problem on your estate, please and allow us to try and put things right. However, if you have previously contacted us and are not happy with the outcome then you may wish to make a formal complaint.

This policy and summary information will be published on our website.


Our teams want to provide a good service. We are committed to improving our services to meet our customer’s needs.

If we do something well it is great to have your feedback so that we know that we are on track and working to your expectations. It is also helpful for staff to know that their efforts are appreciated. We share compliments with our staff and contractors.

If you receive a poor service please tell us so that we can put it right. It also helps us learn from it to improve our services for all of our tenants.

Contact us by

Tell us about a Housing Compliment or Complaint

  • Using the form on our website
  • By e-mail to complaintsandcompliments@northwarks.gov.uk
  • By phone to 01827 715341
  • In writing to Compliments and Complaints, North Warwickshire Borough Council, The Council House, South Street, Atherstone, CV9 1DE

How to have your say

Housing Ombudsman - Self Assessment April 2024

Housing Ombudsman - Self Assessment April 2024
Housing Complaints, Know your rights

Social housing issue? Know how to complain.

Visit gov.uk/social-housing to find out more

Know how to complain

NWBC Housing Landlord Services - Complaints Policy and Procedure - March 2024

NWBC Housing Landlord Services - Complaints Policy and Procedure - March 2024