Submit a planning application

When you need planning permission there are a number of ways you can submit an application:
- Online using the Planning Portal website
As of 2 May 2023 the following applies:
- The service charge will increase for relevant applications. Please check with the Planning Portal for this charge.
Other ways to submit an application
Please note that you may, if you prefer, submit an application directly to the Council. The Council does not impose a financial transaction fee.
Permitted Development Rights removed - changes to the Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2017 which came into force on 17th January 2018 has removed the fee exemption for imposed conditions / Article 4 Directions. A Guide to fees from the Planning Portal can be viewed here.
Our preferred method for receipt of the application form, relevant plans and documents is via email
Please be aware that the file size limit for each email is 15MB.
You may also send your application via the postal system or deliver it in person.
Application forms can be downloaded from the Other ways to submit an application page of the Councils website.
The preferred method of payment is by debit or credit card, by calling the contact centre on 01827 715341. The planning department is unable to accept payments directly. You can pay by BACS transfer, and please contact the Council for details.
You may also pay by cheque, made payable to ‘North Warwickshire Borough Council’, but please be aware that the Council does not accept cash payments.
You can view a document for Material Considerations for Planning Applications.
Please consider Bio Diversity Net Gain in all application